Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

In a day

Highest scores achieved in one day (0:00:00 to 23:59:59)


Rank Name Tribe Score Date
1 Squa 148.897 10.09.2024
2 The Clam Guy LIONS 140.432 11.14.2024
3 Johnny Blazed LIONS 140.389 11.19.2024
4 SnarledMist LIONS 140.030 11.19.2024
5 Logan LIONS 118.471 11.07.2024
6 Heim Spank 110.487 09.24.2024
7 nickolas LIONS 74.573 09.28.2024
8 Village1 LIONS2 68.165 10.09.2024
9 ProxyOff LIONS 66.458 10.27.2024
10 Darth Maul LIONS 55.105 09.27.2024
11 Zhege LIONS 54.788 10.09.2024
12 Captain Killy LIONS 50.144 11.14.2024
13 idefined420 LIONS 48.096 09.27.2024
14 Mastawunda LIONS 36.286 09.19.2024
15 ? ? ? ? LIONS2 33.233 10.27.2024
16 aceofpain LIONS2 32.312 10.24.2024
17 Kibster9 LIONS2 22.124 10.03.2024
18 bombardant LIONS2 20.810 09.20.2024
19 MannyLincoln BASH 17.550 10.03.2024
20 harleyfx69 LIONS2 16.201 09.15.2024
21 sureshy LIONS2 12.504 10.15.2024
22 VoljinSonOfSenjin LIONS2 11.375 11.09.2024
23 bballandbeef2 LIONS2 11.320 11.06.2024
24 GorillaOnKushh 10.365 09.20.2024
25 Batman3052 .MoB. 6.161 09.30.2024
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